What qualities make someone a good friend?

There are a lot of qualities to become a good friend to someone. A friend should be one of the most caring people besides your family. God created us to not only be family but to be friends. You have to be:

  • Honest.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Non-judgmental.
  • Able to trust me.
  • Loyal to ones you care about.
  • Dependable.
  • Good-listener.
  • Be happy.
  • Not rude around other friend.
  • Be there for me when I go through rough times.
  • Confident.
  • Fun.
  • Easygoing.
  • Take pride in yourself.
  • Brave.
  • Funny.
  • Generous.
  • Supportive.
  • Genuine.
  • Acceptance.
  • Respectful.
  • Forgiving.
  • Thoughtful.
  • And last but not least, LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM.

My friends do not have all these qualities. But, that’s okay because I love them for who they are and I am not going to go to them and make them change themselves for me. I want friends that care about me when no one else is there for me. And I believe all my friends are different with all sorts of different qualities.

What is your definition of success?

My definition of success is that when you have a certain task you complete it very well the way you wanted. The success is that you are happy with your decision and doesn’t need anymore work. An example of success is that when an entrepreneur builds a business and completes it successfully without any trouble and the way you wanted it. This isn’t the only way of success, there is millions of ways you can make something a success. I have successfully completed a lot of things my whole life. Success is something you earn from your work and how you work it. A success is how good things form. My recent success was completing an assignment for American History. My assignment was to create a PowerPoint of slides about a conspiracy theory. I successfully finished my assignment and turned it in on time. After my assignment was turned in, I felt very successful.

Are you planning on going to college? If so, what will you study?

I am planning to go to college once I graduate high school and get my degrees. The college I plan on going to Texas A&M in Texas. This college is the top fifth veterinary school in the country. Also, my uncle went to this college. I would like to study animal science and all about animals and veterinary. My plan for the future is to study at a veterinary school and become a veterinarian. Then, once I have a chance to own my own vet clinic, I will open up my own clinic in my hometown. I will then stay a veterinarian and travel all over the world helping animals with no vets to care for them or help other vets who don’t study a certain animal and I study that type.

Do you think women should take men’s last names when they marry? Why or why not?

I think if the women want to keep their last name, they can. They do not have to take the men’s last name. In some situations women that are singers may want to keep their last names because their fans know them by their last name. The men should accept that the women don’t want to change their last name. I believe that the women should change their last name to show they are married but should still use their last name in some situations. Men think that women should have their last name to show they own their wife and that she is nobody else wife. Some women don’t care about changing their name because maybe they don’t like their maiden name. Maybe they want to have the men’s last name because it sounds better with their name than their maiden name.

Do you think girls are raised differently from boys? If so, in what ways?

Yes, I think girls are raised differently from the boys. Boys do not like fashion. The girls are all about the fashion and makeup. But, some girls are raised by only their dads. Girls have different types of clothes where as boys either where a t-shirt and shorts or pants. Girls where dresses, t-shirts, shorts, skirts, Girls need certain clothing and products for when they hit certain stages of their life. When girls start growing breasts, they need bras, etc. On the other side, boys need nothing but clothing for their body. Also, girls have some different sports than boys. But, some girls like the boy sports because maybe they were raised by only their father. Girls in some schools can’t play football. Some girls can play wrestling. Boys cannot play girl sports. Girls cannot play baseball, but boys can play softball.

Do you think arranged marriages would work in modern American Society?

No, just like when they were a thing people would not be comfortable with the decision of the parents. The son/daughter of the parents need to find the right one to marry, not their parents decision. The son/daughter would need to fall in love themselves. I could not deal with my parents arranging an arranged marriage. I would not like the way my parents would do things for me. They might have a chance to pick the right guy for me. I would need a friends opinion about the guy. If they like him, the guy might be the right one for me. I would also need to get to know the guy first. I can’t just fall in love at first sight.

How important do you think the approval of one’s family is in selecting a wife or husband?

I believe it is very important for the your families approval in selecting their son/daughter’s partner. Always go for your families advice and approval because most of the time they are right. I would ask my mother, father, and sister if they like my boyfriend and if I should marry him or not. A families approval is very important because sometimes you don’t see what is wrong with your relationship. If I don’t like my mother, father, and sister’s opinion then I will ask other family members. If they all don’t like him then I will go with their decision and leave him because they believe he is not right for me. All of my family members are very picky and are very strict with their decisions. I love all of my family and accept their approval. I would most likely like the partner they pick for me because my family knows me. I trust them and their opinions the most.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

I do not believe love at first sight because you never know someones personality until you talk to them. Love at first sight is when you and your partner believes you are in love. Couples never last long when you start talking together and start dating right away. What if the guy was handsome and a criminal and you didn’t know? I would definitely not go anywhere near him or talk to him again. You never know someone truly right away at first sight. I have not known anyone to fall in love at first sight and ever seen one last before. I do not believe in love at first sight.

Shakespeare Questions

1.  I do not believe in “love at first sight” because to love someone you have to know about them. You can’t just look at someone and say I love him/her for no reason.

2. I have had so many situations where my friends are angry at each other. What happened was friend A betrayed friend B. So friend B blocked her on every social media and avoided her for a week. One day, friend A came up to friend B and asked her why she has blocked her on every social media. Friend B was honest and told her she wasn’t her friend because she had betrayed her for another friend. I told them both that you can’t just have one friend you have many and there is a time where you have to take a break from one friend to hang with another

3. I believe it is really hard to keep a secret. But, it depends what secret it is. If it is a secret about someones personal life then I would keep that secret. If there is a new relationship then I can’t hold it in for long. Secrets can ruin a relationship real quick.

4. Parents should have control over children because it is their job to keep us safe and we can’t take care of ourselves so we have to learn the right way to take care of ourselves from our parents. They also shouldn’t control us because we want to do hat we want when our parents control us we feel like we don’t have the freedom to do anything. Parents should control us over certain things only.

5. Yes, lying cannot be justified because lying just causes more problems. Lying can lead to being grounded and other punishments. When I lie to my parents then I am punished by getting my phone taken from me for a week or I can’t do anything but sit in my room and stare at the wall for a week.

The Seven Commandments

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.

2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.

3. No animal shall wear clothes.

4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.

5. No animal shall drink alcohol.

6. No animal shall kill another animal.

7. All animals are equal.


1. • This rule is a good rule for the animals to live by because anything with two legs and hands are humans.

• At one point in the story, the birds were offended by this time because they have two legs. But, no this will not forced any problems in the future.

2. •This is a good rule for the animals to live by because most animals have four legs and have wings.

• This rule will not foresee a problem in future because this rule is correct for the animals other rules.

3. •This rule is a good rule because no animals should be wearing human clothes anyways.

• This rule will foresee a problem in the future because Mollie loves to wear ribbons but ribbon is a type of clothing.

4. •This rule is a good rule because no animal should be sleeping in a bed anyways.

• This rule will foresee a problem in the future because the pigs are now sleeping in the beds without sheets because they changed the rule.

5. •This rule is a very good rule because animals should never drink alcohol even if they have a rule or not.

• This rule will not foresee a problem in the future because the animals are not interested in drinking the alcohol.

6. •This rule is a good rule because the animals need to work with each other instead of killing each other because they are against the humans not each other.

• This rule will foresee a problem in the future because the cat is still wanting to eat Moses.

7. • This rule is a really good rule but the pigs aren’t following this rule correctly.

• This rule will foresee a problem in the future because the pigs think they are the big leader and think they shouldn’t have to do any work at all. They believe they are more important than every animal in the farm.

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